Initially released in Japan in 1987, the original FINAL FANTASY amazed audiences with its rich story and stunning graphics.
Players guide the Warriors of Light as they set out on a quest to restore the crystals to their former luster. Its side view battles, choice and promotion of character classes, and sprawling world explored with fantastic vehicles quickly became standards of the series. This game set the stage for all FINAL FANTASY games to come.
This edition also contains the bonus dungeons added to later editions of the game--the Soul of Chaos and the Labyrinth of Time.
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Initially released in Japan in 1987, the original FINAL FANTASY amazed audiences with its rich story and stunning graphics.
Players guide the Warriors of Light as they set out on a quest to restore the crystals to their former luster. Its side view battles, choice and promotion of character classes, and sprawling world explored with fantastic vehicles quickly became standards of the series. This game set the stage for all FINAL FANTASY games to come.
This edition also contains the bonus dungeons added to later editions of the game--the Soul of Chaos and the Labyrinth of Time.
- Having trouble while trying to pick class
- Brings back great memories! Thanks.
- Hiper mega ultra Power ******* game , funny
- Worth the money
- Not very good at all
- Awesome! We need Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana!!!
- Classic! Need I say more?
- Fantastic recreation!!! Thank you!
- Great game I just wish we had more Final Fantasy games to choose from.
- Great game. Loved it when it first came out on the gameboy advance, love it even more with the better graphics. Achievements is different but don't affect the game play. Can't wait to finish the game again :)
- Addicted.
- Some major graphical and audio glitches on my NL 1020, but it's still Final Fantasy. Bring on the sequels!
- Need more final fantasy!!!
- Not worth 7 bucks
- Best game period for WP
- 垃圾
- Brilliant
- Great game hoping to see final fantasy tactics come out soon!
- Please bring more Square Enix games! Nostalgia on your phone.
- Yesss.. I will buy this first chance. Controls are a little touchy, but overall awesome game for a phone.
- Love it, hope they bring more classics like this! Only con: changed phone from 920 to 928, no savegame backups...
- Just perfect!
- Great classic game. Love the updates, the controls were choppy at times but manageable. Would like to have been rewarded with more of an ending for all my hard work.
- Finished and loved it
- The text is blurry on my HTC 8X, needs better scaling for 1280x720 devices. But otherwise works well and hope to see more Square games on Windows Phone!
- It's a great, classic game, but on my Lumia 520 almost all the text is tiny and very dim; dark purple on royal blue. I don't know why. The notification bar taking up double width and always being visible as a white strip on the side would be forgivable if not for that.
- *** can't even get passed the first boss
- Awesome
- Great now where are the rest?😊
- Such a great way to spend my smoke breaks at work. At this rate, I'll finish it in about 3 years. Definitely worth the money, even though its kinda easy
- Couldn't get past naming the characters in the demo version. It would jam and just stay at that screen. I gave up. Glad I didn't buy the game.
- :D best series ever
- Still an amazing game and at a great price too! This is a must have!
- The game is great! Worth the money. It plays just like the original and has by far been the best game on the Windows Phone market.
- One of the best series out there...
- It's amazing. Exactly how I remember playing the original. Definitely worth buying for anyone who likes Final Fantasy games!
- Only problem is the pink text making it hard to read
- Love having this game on my phone. Now we just need to catch up with 2-4 please?!?!
- Final fantasy on my Lumia 928. WORTH EVERY PENNY
- So bad I'm definitely gonna buy this game
- Probably good memory for old fans. For the rest nothing to do here.
- Amazing!
- Glad i tried this before buying. The fonts is so small and not sharp. Its hard to read. Sometimes the sprite blinking during fighting scene. I do wonder if the trial version is different from the actual version? If you fix that, i'll buy it. -Tested it on Lumia 920
- Great game font is fine on Nokia Lumia 1020!
- Epic just like I remember :D
- Piece of ****. Keep coming across monsters after I create a new game, that kill me in one hit.
- Awesome game but the fonts are really hard to read. Please add an option to change the size or style of text to something more readable. Nokia Lumina 900,
- Classic at all it's best!!!
- Font is very thin and hard to read on HTC 8x. Otherwise its FF, I've played the game dozens of times, one of my all time favs
- Love this classic game and anything else made by Square Enix